Tuesday, September 8, 2009

w 20 d2- Tuesday track workout

I really enjoy the track workouts. They are a nice break from pounding the pavement or running on the local trails. Today was a day of mile repeats with 400m recovery. It began with the standard progressive pace warm up that always seems to start easy enough but ends at a casual 645 pace.

The repeats began with a 540 mile. Then the next 3 were 537. I called it a day after 4 because I raced yesterday. These repeats are getting easier and easier. Finished the work out with a 2 mile warm down.

That's 10 miles if my math is correct.


  1. i forget, are these supposed to be done at a specific pace? or are you just running them?

  2. They are to be done at 10k pace. Usually about 5-10 sec.

  3. Usu 5-10 sec fast, but still under control. We'll see Saturday at the 5 mile race. I'm going out at 550 pace
