Thursday, December 31, 2009

TR track

It is good to be flexible. This is the moto for this week. This week is going to turn out to be a week focused on speed workouts rather that getting a big mileage week. With my expectation to run a 9.50 3k on Saturday I thought it best to go to the track and get in some "fast" intervals that way my pace on Saturday feels "slow". At least that is the theory, stay tuned to see how it pans out.

4* 400m. Times 76,74,73,73.. 200m recovery between
4*200M. Times 3,34,33,32....400m recovery between

26 minutes WU and 20 min WD.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Met some of the guys for a run this evening. We did the short vervion Charles river loop which usually takes about 80 min. Ran it in 71 minutes this evening. Wheew

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Buncha track runners

Well we had a small showing for today's track workout. As a result myself and a couple of other guys in my fitness range ended running a bunch of 800', because they are working on imporving their 3k times. This meand we ran 800's at 3k-5k pace depending one how we felt. The 800's ranged from 235-238. I did 9 of them, Dan did 10 because he is a soldier. Max did less than 9 becasue he went hard at the Casino last weekend. The workout ended with a couple of 200'sat 34 and 32 respectively.

The BU mini meet is this coming Saturday and I am registered for the 3k again. Hopefully I can run in the 950 range. I think that is doable based on today's workout.

A new week

Started with a Monday rest day! I have ambitious plans to make it up later in the week and end in the 80 mile range.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas week

76 miles.
Included a quality Christmas day workout of 4*1mile at 550 pace, with 3 miles wu 3 miles wd. Sunday was a good 17.8 mile run in Austin.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Warm welcome

Landed in Austin to a balmy 73 deg. The plan was to get in a run at the Bastrop State Park. I did the red and purple trail the. Ran to my moms which was 1.5 miles away. That trail is a wonderful mix of packed sandy loam covered with pine straw and leaves. It was the perfect surface for a nice low impact recovery run. Ran for 91 minutes.
Total miss today ~ 11.23865


Monday, easy 11 that involved the last big hill of the newton hills . Tuesday track workout went like this. 5k on the track at 10k pace(18.30). Then the fun continued with two sets of 400, 600, 800, at 74sec, 120sec, and 160sec respectively. 200m recovery between intervals and 400m recovery between sets.
The first 400 was very uncomfortable, not used to moving at that rate I guess.

In all, it was a successful workout. 12 miles with wu and wd.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday hill repeats

Got a nice snow last night and all day. So we went to the Lars Anderson park and ran up the hills and sled down. This lasted for an hour. It was a blast.
I was at 60 miles after saturday's run. So with today's little venture I'll call it 65 miles on 5 days. Not too shabby. Now I'm ready to hit it big the rest of the week.

Here is some footage of our snow day. Even the dogs got in on the fun.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Today I got in the first of many 20+ mile runs of the marathon preparation. All was pretty relaxed and comfortable for the most part. The temperature stayed around 25 degrees so that made it easy enough to get in the run without the need for fuel or water. The route included the hills of Newton which don't seem to be to heartbreaking.
The Gremlin tells me the average pace was 713. Total distance 20.5. Onward thru the fog!

Friday, December 18, 2009

2nd double

Didn't happen. I guess it was wishful thinking though. I have learned that is it possible to get in 2 good runs in a day and stil survive to run the next morning. I hope this becomes a twice a week event and not just a one time fluke thing. Because after all, it is just running right?

Soooo early

Getting up and out is not easy, especially when it is 15 degrees outside. But, the feeling of accomplishment upon returning home with a 65 minute run in the bag, the sun up and shining, and a frozen hat almost makes it worth it. I am debating a second run at 530p but things are not looking good for the second friday run. We'll see. Maybe I should just take the dogs on a long walk instead.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

20 deg, 8 with wind chill

Rolled out of bed determined to get in the run this morning. I met a GBTCer at the river for a morning stroll. I didn't have much in my legs for the first 45 minutes but when we turned back and had the wind at our back I felt much better, still a little dull though coming off of Wed's am/pm run.

80 minutes and done for the day. I would go for another this evening but I have a work Christmas/"Holiday" Dinner.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Wednesday: 60 minutes in the am and 90 minutes in the pm and feelin' fine.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A civilized pace

As most of the GBTCers were laying low or racing at the USATF XC in Kentucky, I decided to get out for an easy long run. I did meet with one other GBTCer who ran with me for 75 minutes before he headed home.
I made sure to take it easy during this run, and much to my amazement running over 2 hours isn't so bad when done at a pace that is reasonable for current fitness levels. I could have easily continued for more time, but I didn't see the need for that just yet. Once I got to 2 hours I did pick up the pace for the last 20 minutes with relative ease. I was thirsty at the end of the run. Running these 2hr plus runs without fuel and fluids is certainly new for me, but I don't plan to make a habit of it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

not so easy easy run

The air was cold and thin today. I have never had trouble breathing like I did today. The plan was simply to get out and do the run and that was successful. I made it to the arboretum for an easy 75 minute run.

Last day of work before my first day of work..

Funny how things workout. I am counting down the hours until my exit interview
(11:30am), so I hopefully get home and get in an arboretum run befoe it gets dark at 4:15pm.
I start my new job on Monday, as an Account Manager with GE water and infrastructure techology in the greater Boston area. Working from home will be kinda new, but I am no doubt looking forward to it and no worries of commuting in the snow!
I just wish I had more room in my one bedroom apt for an actual office. Oh well, the kitchen table will suffice for now.
Upon moving to Boston I just assumed that I would never have a real job again, not sure why, but I was OK with that? I guess it was not in the cards for me, so here we go. Time to become a productive member of society again. No matter the work schedule I carry, I still don't think I will be able to get on a morning running schedule until after winter is over. It is way too cold in the morning for that nonsense!


It is times like this when I really wish dogs could talk! What is he
thinking? My guess is he was looking at me wondering, the same thing.

Right where I am supposed to be..

Wednesday was an easy 65 minute run which went very well. Eventhough I was tight the morning after the track I felt quite well that evening during the run adn only cut it short from 85 minutes down to 65 because of lightning, cold and rain. Or maybe I was subconciously telling myself to take it easy.

Thursday I had this mid-morinng idea to do a 25-30 minute steady-state effort run. I thought this would be a great opportunity to get the gremlin off the shelf on which it so patiently reset and charges. It just sits there and gives me evil looks every time I leave it at home when I go out and run. So, after work I headed home and then ran to the Chestnut Hill reservoir, which is a 1.5 mile loop around, what else, but a reservoir near Boston College. The run there was 3.39 miles, I met one of the other GBTCers there who was just going to tag along as I did my SS effort, as this was meerly and LR pace for him. Nonetheless, I did 3 loops, at 620 pace. The effort was pretty even for all 3 laps, but I had to push to maintain the last lap. In all it was a good workout, and a break from the traditional TR mosey around town.

With the run home I'll call it 11 miles.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The warm up was brisk and over in 24 minutes, then a couple of easy laps around the track before we began the mile repeats. We were to do 4-5 mile repeats. We ended up doing 4. The paces were 538,536,528,526. We backed off of the last 600m of the last mile in an effort to stay under control, otherwise we were on pace for a 520 mile. We ran 400 m recovery for the first then 600m recovery for the rest. The intervals were challenging but we stayed under control for the most part and I felt like I had another gear at all times. We probably could have done a 5th but I was happy with the workout and like the idea of ending a workout feeling like I could do the workout again if I had to.
The intervals were followed by a not so slow cool down that lasted about 22 minutes.

On a weather note, we are supposed to get another snow tonight. I probably won't go to work if it is snowing and icy in the morning. What are they going to do, fire me?

Monday, December 7, 2009

82 minutes

38 degrees and dry. Easy run.

Reality checks in!

A legendary New England runner unexpectedly dies while running, at the age of 63!
I think I'll go for a run this evening in memory of those who can't.

Snow and Ice run

Got our first winter snow Saturday night. This didn't really impact my sunday run that much.
I met up with a group of GBTC'ers for a 2hr plus run.
Some broke off after 45 minutes, leaving me to continue my run with group of fella's who do their sunday jogs in the 630-6 min pace range. Not a biggie until about 105 minutes in at which point it was time for me to fall off the back and continue to shuffle home. At which point they turned right and I continued on the route which was a B-line straight home. The side walk was snow covered and kinda fun for final trek, certainly a new experience.
I am not sure what the distance was but time spent running was 135 minutes. These runs are hard with out water or fuel. I was day dreaming of pizza and water for the last 20 minutes of the run.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Most impressive track performance

I give this award to Nate Jenkins. I had no idea who he was when people were picking him to win the mile last night.
He was very unassuming. I don't think he is in the best shape at the moment, but he turned out a great performance to win the mens mile in 4.17. This guy is really a marathoner 2:14 and olympic trials qualifier but he showed up last night to win the mile, and did so.
He lead after the first 400m and held off a young college kid easily for the last 200m. It was very apparent, watching him run that he was a strong marathon runner and the college kid didn't have the strength of such a long distance runner. Maybe the young chap learned something. I know I did and I was just watching.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Track meets make me very nervous!

We had the indoor Northeastern University invitational (name of meet unsure)meet today at the Reggie Lewis athletic complex. It really did remind me of the old days of track running. The butterflies! The track complex was crowded and space was sparse, very unlike an outdoor meet. It didn't help matters that it was cold and raining outside. So, I couldn't just go sit outside in a corner and keep to myself which is my preferred method of preparation before a track race.

Track meets are interesting because, during the race competitors have nowhere to hide. You are either in or you are out, and when a competitor runs out of gas it is completely exposed and they must live with their decision to race the way they did.

I was in the slowest of 3, 3k heats. The first mile was 524, then I started running like I was scared! Well not exactly scared, but I certainly picked up and began passing those who went out a little too fast. I ran the first 2 laps dead last. but finished somewhere middle to front of the field.

Final time 9.59.

McMillan says that equates to a 2:49.43 marathon. McMillan is a smart man!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Took off Thursday because I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning and had my last class in the evening. I did however get up friday morning for an easy 68 minute run.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just like I remembered it

The soreness from yesterday was an in-your-face type discomfort that allowed me to go for a run but didn't allow me to do much more. I still count it as a very important run, because I just kept it easy and ran for 80 minutes. I'm glad that is over.

First indoor workout

Since this track is less that .5 miles from my place I don't get the long warm-up, which I don't mind all that much. We did a 26 minute warmup, then started on the track shortly after. My workout was 200m in 39 sec with a relaxed pace jog around the outside of the track. My 200's were between 36 and 39 with a few at 35-34 range. I estimated that the interval plus the jog took 2min45 sec to 3min.
We did this for an hour straight.
No koolaid breaks or stopping, the way it should be done.
the workout wasn't too tough until the last 10 when hte fatigue and monotony set in. I don't, however, see myself breaking 10 min on Saturday.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

running guidance of the day

I was running with the group last week and one of our members mentioned that someone once asked Tom what type of lifting he should do to help him with running. Tom's response:

"the only muscles you need to workout to imporve your running are the muscles that propel you forward while running and the muscles that push you away from the dinner table."

I love it! I am still working on the, "pushing away from the dinner table muscles.".


Suprisingly I ran more that expected over the holidays. I got in an hour 10 minutes on Wed,no run on Turkey day, Hour 20 arboretum run on Friday and rested on Sat and Sun.
I am officially on the winter trianing train. Monday included a hour 8 easy run and today I am going to attend the first indoor workout of the season. It will include a warm up and 200m repeats at no slower that 39 sec for an hour with 200m recovery (ugh!) then a cooldown.
I will be running in an indoor 3000m race on Saturday afternoon. The aggressive goal is to run under 10minutes, which will still put me at the back of the slow heat, but I need to put the ego aside and run knowing this is all part of the grand master plan. After the race I will add on some miles, then get in a good run on Sunday.