Monday, August 17, 2009

W16 report.

Ended the week with 69.5 miles. Not quite 70 but close. It didn't really feel like a long week because I have 60 mile weeks that felt much worse than this week did. I'm feeling well coming off of the 23 miler yesterday. So I am expecting to get in 10 today. The marathon is now two months out. I plan on having no more that 3 more hard/long weeks. I will have a 20+ run on sat or sun this week but after that one I am not planning to go over 20 until the marathon.
I hope the get in some really good quality steady state and tempo runs in the next 3 weeks. This will include a local 5 mile road race on September 12, Ollie 5 mile road race.


  1. 8 weeks out and you are going to do one more 20 miler?

  2. I am going to do one more 20+. The rest may be 20 but probably not more. We'll see how I feel.
