Thursday, August 20, 2009

New additions to the plant family

You can go to your local store and buy fresh basil or rosemary for about $2.50 each if you are lucky. You can get dry herbs for about $4-5 for a can of dry herbs.

If you have cooked with both fresh and dried herbs, you know their is no comparison. The fresher the better. However, every time I buy fresh basil for $2.50 cents I think of how I am going to use 1/4 of the herbs and the rest is going to go bad on the counter.

I think I have found the solution. At the local Farmers Market today I located the herbs and got some Basil and Rosemary. They didn't have flat leaf parsley or cilantro, but plan to have some next week.

I hope they can live in the window during the winter.

1 comment:

  1. My mom lives in frozen Sweden and grows her basil in a pot year round.
