Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Great Shoe Conundrum

I clearly have an inability to throw away/donate or simply get rid of running shoes. The nike's on the right were worn in the Austin Marathon 2009 and I recently wore them for the Newbury port 10 miler.
So why do I keep these shoes? Well, the orange wave riders are my bad weather neutral shoe, the nike's are my bad weather support shoe. The matching pairs of wave riders were bought together simply because I got a sweet deal and scored each for $60. They are my main trainers but don't really like them. Now, I am planning to get a pair of racing flats but I refuse to get another pair until I can part with one of these pair first. I can't decide whether to get rid of the Nike's or the older of the two blue wave riders.

1 comment:

  1. My closet full of running shoes laughs at your 4 pair of running shoes. It must run in the family.
