Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Buncha track runners

Well we had a small showing for today's track workout. As a result myself and a couple of other guys in my fitness range ended running a bunch of 800', because they are working on imporving their 3k times. This meand we ran 800's at 3k-5k pace depending one how we felt. The 800's ranged from 235-238. I did 9 of them, Dan did 10 because he is a soldier. Max did less than 9 becasue he went hard at the Casino last weekend. The workout ended with a couple of 200'sat 34 and 32 respectively.

The BU mini meet is this coming Saturday and I am registered for the 3k again. Hopefully I can run in the 950 range. I think that is doable based on today's workout.


  1. sounds painful...how much recovery in between?

  2. Not too bad. 400m recovery. Hoping for a 950 3k on sat.
