Wednesday, June 10, 2009

W7, d2

First date with GBTC. Met at a track in Cambridge. A rep from puma was there showing off some shoes so we didn't get the 7 pm sharp start. I expected. We began with 3.5 miles warmup. Then to the track for 3*1 mile with 1 lap recovery job between. We were split into two groups "fast group" and "slow group". I was in the latter as expected and the slowest person in the slow group. My splits were 541,600 and 558. It hurt. As the coach told me at the beginni g of the workout, " if you are going to workout with these guys youbare going to have to endure some pain for a while. I was cool with being at the back of the pack because I finished the workout. Their were 2 guys that pulled out in the middle of the second mile then jumped back in for the last one.
So the slow group ran 530-550 for their 1 mile splits. The fast group ran 430-500. Give it a month and I expect to be in the middle of the slow group.
Total miles- 7.5

1 comment:

  1. Well, these guys are either going to make you or break you. Assuming you stay in one piece, a BQ should be no problem come the fall.
