Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wet, damp, and tons of fun..

Well, maybe not tons of fun, but hundreds of pounds of fun. Tonight's track workout is going to be 5*2000m. Today was the perfect New England fall day. Cold, damp, misty, and grey. Everyone is complaining about it and in a terrible mood. Me, not so much. I kind of enjoy it.


  1. oh yeah!.... after all that braggin about your perfect summer runs, now you get to enjoy the wonderful New England winter wonderland, and we get to enjoy hearing all about it!
    Can't wait!

    By the way, did I congratulate you for a job well done the other day?

  2. thx for the congrats. Yep, I guess we'll see what kind of dedication I have as the winter approaches.

  3. ha, the locals are getting pissed about the weather again? too funny.

  4. that wasn't a congratulations. that was just a question!
