Monday, July 6, 2009


As nice as it was to have 2 down weeks I guess I should get back to the business of working towards this October Marathon. It'd be a shame to make an ass of myself in my first Massachusetts marathon. It is quite easy to get in the habit of thinking we are ready. I prefer to be in a state of slight fear and uncertainty, to prevent me from becoming complacent in my training.
Today I got on the morning run train and went for an easy 10 at avg 8 min pace. It is quite difficult to get up and start processing oxygen when you are not used to it. I ran 1.5 miles to the Jamaica pond boat house to meet up with a couple other GBTC'ers and thought I was going to pass out. I was dizzy, and just completely out of it after the 1.5 mile warm up. Once to the boathouse I got some water and took a seat to get my bearings.
The others arrived about 5 min later and we continued on. I felt great the rest of the run but I thought I was done for at 1.5 miles. Oh well live and learn.

1 comment:

  1. that is exactly how i felt last tues morning after coming back from just one full week of evening running. weird.
