Friday, July 17, 2009

A Boston summer

This is a typical Boston summer forecast. Here it comes. Today folks
on the run were talking about how hot it was. it was 78deg. I kind of
enjoyed the "heat".
I was talking to my land lord today and she reminded me that we only
have one and half months of summer left. WOW.


  1. Can't wait to read about your training in the snow, ice and/or freezing shit beeotch.
    like I said before, alL this mildness is makin you weak.

    How about some weiner dog action photos?

  2. I am thinking about doing my long run mid-day today just to get some some of that 84 deg heat.

    No doubt the snow and ice reports will be quite interesting. May be a lot of didn't run today because it is too f-ing cold outside.
